BRIGADE, a branding and design firm, recently highlighted their work in helping BARR share this proven fact: Data Matters!
Last fall, BRIGADE launched a new creative campaign to help share BARR’s goals of expanding our reach and impacting even more students. The design firm created bold and colorful marketing materials that showcased how BARR’s focus on relationships and data is transformative.
The campaign kicked off with the important headline: Because our data is strong, our pitch is short. Throughout the campaign, BARR’s research and evidence is featured showing our 100% success rate in supporting schools of all shapes and sizes.
The printed, mailed and digital materials emphasized BARR’s tagline – Same Students. Same Teachers. Better Results. BRIGADE highlighted how the BARR model is rooted in the belief that growth is possible and within reach for every school, with the same students and the same teachers.
Within the materials, graphs were accentuated calling attention to how BARR is helping narrow opportunity gaps. Equity is a core value of the BARR model, which has been shown to have especially powerful results in closing gaps for students farthest from opportunity.
The goal of this creative campaign was for BARR to ensure schools, educators and students know we’re 100% committed to building something extraordinary together. We look forward to leveraging this creativity to continue bringing positive, proven and equitable transformations to even more schools and students.