BARR Elementary (Building Assets, Reducing Risks) is a proven model based on more than 20 years of research on BARR’s two pillars of data and relationships showing that systemic change in schools results in enhanced educator experience and student achievement. BARR’s mission is to support K-12 schools where each and every student has access to high-quality education where adults know them, recognize their strengths, and help them to succeed.

Helping K-12 Students Succeed

BARR eliminates inefficiencies in the K-12 school system by breaking down the silos that get in the way of a student’s needs and using existing resources to better align everyone around the success of each and every student.

The Benefits of BARR Elementary

Through BARR elementary, schools receive elementary specific tools and resources to support implementation in their school. Every BARR school receives a coach who is available for weekly calls, onsite visits up to 4 times a year and professional development training each year of implementation. BARR provides a collaborative and systemic approach to supporting staff, students and their families. The model embraces current family organizations within a school to support and strengthen family partnerships, recognizing families as active partners in their child’s education, in addition to working in conjunction with pre-existing programs within the school.

BARR has enabled me to deepen my relationships with my students and families. It has also provided a structure that encourages me to collect and use data with purpose.