Malbert Smith is a national education leader committed to improving the math and literacy skills of America’s children. As the co-founder and CEO of MetaMetrics, his research has revolutionized not only the way reading and math are measured but also how teachers and parents can use test data to personalize instruction. He created the Lexile Framework for Reading and the Quantile Framework for Mathematics which are scales that connect test scores to instruction. Today, Lexile and Quantile measures are used by every major test publisher and instructional company inside their products. Over 40 million students in the US receive Lexile measures from statewide and interim assessments throughout the year, and teachers use these scores to match students with appropriate instructional materials. Not only are Lexile measures the de facto standard for the measurement of reading in the US but also across the globe. Educators and English Language Learners from over 50 countries rely on Lexile measures.
Malbert has worked with the leadership teams from dozens of state departments of education on assessment and accountability issues. He has helped more than ten states launch summer reading programs designed to combat summer loss, especially among low-income students. Florida, Kentucky, North Carolina and Oklahoma have featured Dr. Smith on their television programs. He also partnered with Harvard University’s Dr. James Kim on an I3 grant to study the effects of summer loss.
Malbert is a Research Professor at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where he was awarded the Distinguished Alumni Award. In addition to his long-term board membership on the National Summer Learning Association, he serves on the UNC’s School of Education Board of Visitors, the North Carolina Foundation for Public School Children and the American Association of School Administration Learning 2025 Commission. Malbert also serves as an advisor to the Council of Chief State School Officers on the National Teacher of the Year Program.
Malbert will join us from the stage at our upcoming National Conference taking place in Palm Springs, CA on April 23 – 24, 2024.