Angela Jerabek Receives Social Entrepreneur Of The Year Award

BARR Center announced today that its Founder and Executive Director, Angela Jerabek, is the recipient of the 10th annual Donald McNeely Center Social Entrepreneur of the Year award. BARR Center is a national organization that aims to bring education into the 21st century through intentionally deepened relationships and a data-driven, personalized and supportive approach. Jerabek is being recognized for her notable achievements in enhancing the effectiveness of how education instruction is delivered in the U.S.

Each year, the Donald McNeely Center for Entrepreneurship celebrates influential and successful alumni of the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John’s University. The Social Entrepreneur of the Year award recognizes the achievements and qualities of an alumnus who best exemplifies the ideals of social entrepreneurship by founding an organization. This award honors those who have established an organization that enriches humanity, addresses a social issue in a manner that demonstrates notable characteristics and achievements, and upholds Benedictine values in the workplace and in their lives.

Jerabek stated, “One of the gifts I received while attending Saint Ben’s was understanding the immense power of hope. While I am a determined realist, I am also an optimist who has seen the power of hope lift the tenor and prospects of students, staff and communities. I am continuously humbled to be a part of an organization that prides itself on providing hope to both students and educators throughout the entire country, especially in this tumultuous time.”

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